Political independence means gaining self-rule from colonial master, thus, entitling the new nation to govern itself.


Benefits of being independent

§  The practice and exercise of political sovereignty

§  Development of a new constitution

§  It allows a country to be accepted as a member of international organisations

§  It allows a country to enjoy peace

§  The nation would be able to identify its problems and find solutions to them

§  The fundamental rights of the citizens would be enhanced due to the respect for the supreme law of the country

§  It allows a country to control the economic resources of the country



Self-reliance refers to the ability of aa country to depend mainly on its own resources for survival.


Benefits of self-reliance

§  It enables a nation to use its own resources, both human and natural, for the development of the nation

§  It enables nations to learn various ways of managing its own affairs.

§  It enables nations to rely on its own efforts for the development of the country


Reasons why Ghanaians misconstrued the implications of independence

§  Most Ghanaians thought that independence was an end in itself.

§  Most Ghanaians thought that independence was bringing easy life.

§  Ghanaians think that independence is a guarantee for infrastructural development

§  Ghanaians are not aware that independence imposes responsibilities and challenges on both leaders and citizens as well

§  Ghanaians think gaining independence is an answer to all their economic problems.

§  Ghanaians think that independence calls for laisser-faire attitude to work of disciplined attitude to work.


Challenges that post-independence Ghana faced

§  Education continued to be knowledge based rather than skill-oriented

§  Appointments made on the grounds of political affiliations rather than merit.

§  Negative attitudes of people towards work

§  Government policies did not favour indigenous industries

§  Overdependence on primary products

§  Inadequate salary and wages

§  Failure of opposition in parliament to co-operate with government on important issues

§  The desires of leaders to stay in power for good

§  Military intervention


Measures to correct the challenges faced by post-independence Ghana

§  The school curricula should be based on technical and vocational skills to help produce more skill-oriented personnel.

§  Appointment must be made based on merit

§  The country needs to add value to its primary products

§  Government policies must favour indigenous industries through tax exemption and promoting made-in-Ghana goods

§  People must exhibit positive attitudes to their work

§  The opposition in parliament and parties in government must co-operate for the betterment of the nation

§  Reducing political corruption

§  Controlling population growth rate

§  Improvement in the salary and wages structure of workers

§  Development of human resources


 How individuals can apply the concept of independence and self-reliance in their lives

§  Assume responsibilities for our life and stop blaming others for or own mistakes

§  Individuals must development positive work ethics

§  Individuals must development the habit of saving

§  As individuals we must live within our means

§  Good education and acquisition of professional skills

§  The individual must learn to mange money and get out of debt

§  The individual must be well informed about local and national issues and to make their own decisions