Constitution has several importance and among them are as follows:

1.      It creates the organs of government: A constitution is required to establish the organs of government and other important institutions of state. The 1992 constitution of Ghana, establishes the Legislation, Executive and Judiciary.

2.      Allocates the functions of these organs: A constitution does not only establish these institutions of state. It also defines or spells out the functions to be performed by these institutions. The constitution also state the limits of these institutions.

3.      Protection of fundamental human rights: the constitution spells out the rights and privileges of individual citizens clearly. It provides and guarantees the economic, social and political rights of the citizens in the country.

4.      Ensures orderliness: A constitution consists of rules and regulations that govern the behaviours of the people and institutions in the country. The constitution ensures that these laws are obeyed and also ensures the stability of the country.

5.      It facilitates the smooth change of government and leaders: A constitution establishes the process of changing government and public officials. It lays down procedures for changing state officials such as members of the Executive, Judiciary and Legislature.

6.      It specifies the type of government the country should adopt: A constitution of a state specifies clearly the type of government that the state should adopt. For instance, it specifies whether the country should practice presidential or parliamentary system of government.

7.      It serves as a symbol of statehood: 


1.      Protection of fundamental human rights

2.      Ensures peaceful change of government

3.      Promote good governance

4.      Promote grassroots participation in the affairs of governance

5.      Prevents dictatorship

6.      Provide safe destination for investors

7.      Free expression and exchange of ideas or opinions

8.      Political stability

9.      Ensures accountability and transparency in governance

10.  Guarantees equality before the law

11.  Enhances international recognition



1. State three (3) reasons why a country needs a constitution.

2. Discuss four (4)  benefits that are derived from the practice of democracy.